40 Acts of Charity
1. Avoiding harming others is charity. [Bukhari: 2518]
2. Guiding a blind person is charity. [Ibn Hibban: 3368]
3. Speaking loudly so a deaf person can understand is charity. [Ibn Hibban: 3368]
4. Communicating in a way that a mute person can understand is charity. [Ibn Hibban: 3377]
5. Helping a weak person is charity. [Ibn Hibban: 3377]
6. Removing stones, thorns, or bones from the path is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
7. Rushing to help someone in need is charity. [Ibn Hibban: 3377]
8. Sharing water from your bucket is charity. [Tirmidhi: 1956]
9. Guiding a lost person is charity. [Tirmidhi: 1956]
10. Saying "La ilaha illallah" (There is no god but Allah) is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
11. Saying "Subhanallah" (Glory be to Allah) is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
12. Saying "Alhamdulillah" (Praise be to Allah) is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
13. Saying "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
14. Saying "Astaghfirullah" (I seek forgiveness from Allah) is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
15. Encouraging good deeds is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
16. Stopping bad deeds is charity. [Muslim: 1007]
17. Spending on your family with good intentions is charity. [Bukhari: 55]
18. Being fair between two people is charity. [Bukhari: 2518]
19. Helping someone get on their ride or lifting their belongings is charity. [Bukhari: 2518]
20. Saying kind words is charity. [Bukhari: 2589]
21. Every step taken towards prayer is charity. [Bukhari: 2518]
22. Removing harmful things from the road is charity. [Bukhari: 2518]
23. Eating yourself is charity. [Nasa'i - Kubra: 9185]
24. Feeding your child is charity. [Nasa'i - Kubra: 9185]
25. Feeding your wife is charity. [Nasa'i - Kubra: 9185]
26. Feeding your servant is charity. [Nasa'i - Kubra: 9185]
27. Helping someone in distress is charity. [Nasa'i: 253]
28. Smiling when you meet your brother is charity. [Tirmidhi: 1963]
29. Giving a sip of water is charity. [Abu Ya'la: 2434]
30. Helping your brother is charity. [Abu Ya'la: 2434]
31. Saying "Salam" when meeting someone is charity. [Abu Dawood: 5243]
32. Making peace between people is charity. [Bukhari - Tarikh: 259/3]
33. Whatever is eaten from your tree or crop is charity for you. [Muslim: 1553]
34. Feeding the hungry is charity. [Bayhaqi - Shu'ab: 3367]
35. Giving water is charity. [Bayhaqi - Shu'ab: 3368]
36. Giving a loan twice is like giving charity once. [Ibn Majah: 3430]
37. Giving someone a ride is charity. [Muslim: 1009]
38. Guiding someone in a place of confusion is charity. [Tirmidhi: 1963]
39. Helping someone in need is charity. [Ibn Hibban: 3368]
40. Learning knowledge and teaching it to a Muslim brother is charity. [Ibn Majah: 243]
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