1. Marriage is not for quitters 2. You will feel proud of yourself looking back knowing that you honoured your vows 3. If you do marriage right, it will bring out the best in you and in your spouse 4. Sex is important but not the only thing in marriage 5. When younger, make love as much as you can, enjoy it. A time is coming when all you have are memories 6. Friends will come and go, you will know so many people as a married person, but keep your spouse your priority 7. Don't stay together for children, eventually they will leave you two. What will you have to hold? 8. Growing old doesn't mean you cannot make your spouse feel special, keep making his/her heart beat 9. Do not harden your heart, otherwise marriage will be too great a burden 10. Do not hold grudges, otherwise stress will kill you 11. Eventhough you two are married, don't forget to build yourself, and work on your goals as an individual. Don't lose you 12. Not every advice is ...